This website contains adult material. If you are not 18 years old leave immediately. Come back when you're older!

Who is JustFry3D
Hello! I'm JustFry, an italian 3D artist who makes kinky CGI videos featuring fictional characters. From the very beginning I have been using mostly tentacles and huge sex toys in my works, but soon I was also asked to include other creatures like fantasy parasites and much more. My goal is to make more and more unconventional porn cause vanilla boy/girl sex is boring and in the 3D world your only limit is your imagination. And your blacklist of course, cause everyone has the right to not like something but not to complain about it existing.
This website exist mostly as an archive for all my content, check also the "Projects" section to find out more about what's going on and what to expect! Follow me on Twitter and support me on Patreon for more updates and content!